How Bun Delivery Saves Your Restaurant Money

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Communicating Effectively With Your Food Supplier

A few months ago, I realized that our restaurant orders were getting messed up at least once a month. It was frustrating, but after a little careful analysis, I realized that the issue was my fault, not the representative who handled our food supplier account. I started thinking about where and when I was placing orders, and it occurred to me that I was almost always in a hurry and trying to get things ordered quickly. To correct the issue, I started slowing down, double checking my food orders, and asking the supplier to repeat information back to me. Overnight, issues with my food orders went away. Check out this blog to learn how to communicate effectively with your food supplier.


How Bun Delivery Saves Your Restaurant Money

26 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you look at the cost of having buns delivered, and compare it to the cost of buying the ingredients to make your own buns, it can initially look like making your own buns is the more affordable option. But once you dig a little deeper, you tend to realize this is not really the case. In fact, having buns delivered tends to be the more affordable option — and not just by a little! Here are a few key ways in which bun delivery can actually save your restaurant money.

1. You don't have to pay a baker.

Think about how many hours of labor it takes to create a good batch of buns. They're one of the more time-consuming items for a baker to make. The dough has to be mixed. Then, it has to be allowed to rise before being shaped, risen again, and baked. There are a lot of intermediary steps, like packaging the buns and washing the bowls used to mix and rise the dough.

When you add up all of these hours of labor, the cost can be quite high, especially since bakers tend to earn a higher wage than your average line cook or prep cook. Ordering buns saves you from having to pay a baker. You may also cut back on hours for dishwashers and baking assistants. 

2. You don't have to buy or maintain specific baking equipment.

To make your own buns at any sort of restaurant scale, you need a professional mixer. You need a baking cart, plenty of trays, a proofing room, and rising pans. The cost of all of this equipment really adds up. Buying pre-made buns and having them delivered saves you from having to buy this equipment. If you already own this equipment and you start ordering your buns instead, you can sell the equipment and put some money back in your pocket.

3. You're less likely to have disruptions in supply.

If you make your own buns and your mixer fails or your baker does not show up one day, then you won't have buns to serve your customers. This may cut into our profits and damage your reputation. When you have buns delivered by an outside company, you can depend on them being there for you, which ensures more consistent service and happier, more loyal customers.

Ordering buns is often the more affordable way to go. Learn more by contacting buns delivery services.