What You Should Know About Manuka Honey

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A few months ago, I realized that our restaurant orders were getting messed up at least once a month. It was frustrating, but after a little careful analysis, I realized that the issue was my fault, not the representative who handled our food supplier account. I started thinking about where and when I was placing orders, and it occurred to me that I was almost always in a hurry and trying to get things ordered quickly. To correct the issue, I started slowing down, double checking my food orders, and asking the supplier to repeat information back to me. Overnight, issues with my food orders went away. Check out this blog to learn how to communicate effectively with your food supplier.


What You Should Know About Manuka Honey

9 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

You might love eating honey with biscuits or other favorite foods, but you might have never tried Manuka honey and might know little about it. If you are always looking to try new honey types, though, you might want to know a little more about this type of honey. These are some of the things that you may want to know about Manuka honey, for example. 

It's Made in Australia and New Zealand

If you are an American, you might have never seen Manuka honey in your local grocery store. If this is the case, it's probably because Manuka is not commonly made in the United States. Instead, it hails from Australia and New Zealand. This is because it's made by bees that specifically pollinate the "tea tree," which is a native plant in Australia and New Zealand. Of course, you don't have to take a trip to Australia or New Zealand just to purchase Manuka honey since there are many bee farmers from this area of the world who ship their products to Americans and those who live in other countries.

It Has Health Benefits

When you think about eating honey, you might think about it being an unhealthy choice. However, Manuka honey in particular has health benefits. You might have heard of tea tree oil being used as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant booster. Since Manuka honey is made from pollen from the tea tree bush, it has many of the same benefits as well. If you have been looking for a good excuse to add more honey to your diet, then you might want to consider Manuka honey and its health benefits.

It Has a Unique Taste

If you have eaten a lot of honey in your life, you might think you are pretty familiar with how it tastes. However, you should know that each type of honey has its own unique taste, and Manuka honey is no exception. Even though Manuka honey is obviously still sweet, many find that it's quite a bit less sweet than most honey. It also has an earthy taste, and you might even notice some bitter notes. If you like honey but have been looking for something that isn't quite as sticky-sweet, or if you just like experimenting and trying different honey flavors, you will probably find Manuka honey to be an excellent choice.

As you can see, Manuka honey is an interesting type of honey that you may just want to try. Now that you know a little more about it, you can enjoy an even better experience when you try it.

For more information on raw honey, contact a supplier in your area, such as Hokitika Honey & Herb Co.